Ear Candling or ear coning is an alternate remedy used to boost physical as well as intellectual well-being. In this, a long, waxy tube made of cloth is inserted in to the ear canal and then burnt. This creates a vacuum that helps in cleansing the ear canal.

Ear candling is an old traditional exercise that is believed to have started in Mayan, Aztec, Lemuria and Mythical Atlantis civilizations. However the exact origin of this healing process is still not confirmed, but traces of this practice were observed in China, India, Egypt and Tibet. Historically, instruments shaped in the form of cone made from clay were used for this self purification process. Because of the shape of the instrument used, the process was called coning. The shiny pottery cone was carved with a double helix inside it to carry burning herbs down the ear canal. Vacuum caused by the cone instrument results in counter clockwise flow, by which smoke and heat from the herbs cleanse ear canal. It also removes any debris outside the canal by vacuum. In many cultures and traditions, coning was considered a spiritual, holistic method for cleansing the mind as well as senses. They believed that ear coning clears the body and mind from any toxins so that you can focus on feelings and thoughts.

Current Time Ear Candling

Because of the extra weight of the candles and health regulations, traditional ear candles were replaced by non reusable candles. Hence, ear candle or cone is made from unbleached linen or cotton soaked in paraffin or beeswax and herbs. A spiral roll is built on the inner side of the candle during the manufacturing, which creates the similar effect as of the pottery ones.

In some countries like Germany, ear candling is taught as a subject, remedy. In United States, it is relatively new, but many holistic doctors are switching over to this self-purification process from irrigation techniques. Ear candling has become a popular non invasive therapy due to its several benefits and plenty of holistic centers and spas are offering this procedure.

Remarkable benefits of Ear Candles

Ear candling has a refreshing effects on the mind and the body and it helps to improve the overall well-being of a person by creating the harmony of body, mind and spirit. Ear candles are not only used for removal of ear wax, but they are known to have many potential health benefits. Some of the health attributes that are associated with use of ear candle are:

1. Ear benefits: By clearing the debris, wax and other harmful particles from the ears, ear candles help in relieving itchy ears (caused by yeast, mold or dairy allergies), Swimmer's ear and unplugging ears. Reduces ringing in ears and dizziness.

2. It relieves sinus pain and pressure, hence giving relief from headaches.

3. Enhances the senses like smell, taste and perception.

4. It improves lymphatic blood flow.

5. It leads to clarity of thoughts, reduces stress and tension.

Ear Candling is a holistic method of healing that offers many health benefits.
_So how exactly how are ear candles made? We hear so much about them, the pro's and cons etc and races varying perspectives naturally but how are they made? The majority of ear candlings are and could be made with pure beeswax. Beeswax is naturally made use of by all the large major beauty offerings that we now purchase and is a commodity in itself, perhaps nearly as sort after as gold or silver in some respects.

Part of the reason that beeswax is so sort after comes down to quality but lets take a moment to consider the poor old bees! What exactly is beeswax and how do we end up with such a pure pretty smelling block of beeswax? If you have smelt the beautiful scent of a block of beeswax it is fairly fantastic if tasty so much so you want to eat it! It's intriguing! It took an inordinate amount of effort to become it's end product thanks to the work ethic of the bee colony.

Beeswax is to all intents and purposes a side-effect of the beehive itself. The bees that have worked so rigorously are only 12-18 days old and they secret beeswax from wax glands which are six to nine segments under the stomach. The bees use beeswax to make a new brush capping off their ripened honey. Humans naturally now use beeswax in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, candles, polish and general waterproofing. Humans will also use the beeswax to form an initial foundation layer for beehives themselves to help with the production of honey.

The composition of beeswax is difficult, but contains hydrocarbons, straight chain monohydric alcohols, acids, hydroxy acids, oils and other substances. Its density is less than one, so it floats on water. It liquifies at 63 C to 60 5 C and stiffens at sixty C to 63 C, reliant on purity.

Bees collect nectar, pollen and water each day to take back to the hive so that generations to come can live. The raw nectar comes from flowers. They mix this with secretions from their glands, so transforming it and after it is put in the brush, it ripens into honey.

It is frequently thought that for each sixty kilograms of honey roughly 1kg of beeswax is produced so that you can see why it is a rare commodity. Recently there had been a plague of sickness within bee colonies worldwide and the quantity of states now positioned to produce the best honey and beeswax is lessening fast. You can fairly simply see the way that the result on the environment is influencing nature so fast - the bees are trying strenuously to find top of the range nectar and pollen from our forest areas. This is the reason states like Australia and New Zealand are still able to produce some of the finest honey and beeswax available.

So for ear Candle makers the supply and quality of beeswax is ultimate and not regarded gently. Quality ear candles are made form the best quality beeswax and this is set by where the beeswax is sourced and from which country. So next time you use your ear candles spare a minute for the way that the candles were made, their ingredients and especially the extra standard lengths the bees went to to assemble the nectar! We've got a lot to thank them for, they are nearly a protected species!